Nurturing Change

Here below an extract from a piece describing a relationship between a man and his son, titled Orphans. The story culminates with the mans death.

When we got to the hospital, my father’s body was still warm. But he looked utterly dead, with a slack expression he never wore in life. My mother said farewell to her prince and protector for the last time. When we got back to the apartment, she gave letters to me and my sister that he’d written years earlier, before a prostate operation, to be opened by us in case he didn’t survive. “I lived the life I chose. (Sometimes, these days I think that it might have chosen me.) I have been very happy,” he wrote to me. “I did the right thing. I dedicated my life to human progress — to bringing about changes that would improve the conditions of life and the quality of life of the common people. My belief as I depart this world is that I have been an instrument of historical change — that the forces of change worked through me. For this reason, I led a life of meaning and purpose.”

This piece touched me particularly at the moment as I contemplate the direction of Jade. That’s developments of the site and questions around my purpose in continuing to write.

Thanks to Julius for the link.

11 thoughts on “Nurturing Change”

  1. “questions around my purpose in continuing to write”
    I can’t help but wonder what some of these questions might be

  2. Well it’s just a basic question really Angie, What is my intention? or What exactly do I think I’m doing, or trying to pass on, via this medium. Sometimes one needs to pause and evaluate and see if something can be done better, or differently, or more effectively. It is so very easy to get stuck in a rut when one is doing the same thing every day, or there abouts.

  3. Whilst I know you don’t post something every day, I do view the posts that do appear as my “Buddhist thought for the day” and also as an example of the wheel of the Dharma is always turning.

  4. I had same reaction as Angie I think. Of course now that I just recently discovered
    Jade I find both what you write and comments that readers shared has been
    a blessing. Jade serves as a feeling of connection, food for thought and a place to find discussion from the archives that provides ideas.
    I maybe a “newbie” to Jade but I have a feeling many folks find it valuable .

  5. It is good that you write. It’s a link; a sharing of part of the experience of the life of a person who’s life is built around being a living example of practice. Often I read and think ‘well, that post didn’t say much to me today, maybe I am missing something or maybe it’s just not my thing. Then other times I think oh yes that’s interesting. Either way it’s all teaching; both inform or at the very least help me stop for a bit.

    At the weekend my partner said to me ‘don’t ever delete you blog’. Interestingly I had been wondering about doing that as I don’t wright much and probably nobody reads any way. So some internet resource is using fuel etc for what? But that was never the point. To write in public invites the question of truth and that is always good.

    Leading a life of meaning and purpose awake to the full implications of that and sharing in writing is no small offering I’d have thought. Keep up the good work, I am sure your intention will go where it needs to.

  6. I remember some Tibetan monks making a large and intricate sand mandala over several days at the Wisdom & Compassion exhibition held at the Royal Academy (in 1992!). After completing it, and allowing a few days for viewing, they ceremonially dumped it in the Thames. Sometimes I think that for a blog, no matter how good, a ceremonial equivalent of dumping in the Thames might be the right thing to do. I speak as one who has an atrophied blog, and certainly don’t suggest in your case! But I think I see your point about purpose – which, rightly or wrongly I read as intention.

    in gassho

  7. Yes, you read rightly. Intention is what I’ve been looking at. I feel it is rather important to do the right thing for the right reasons. As much as one can divine that but at the very least one can attempt to be honest with oneself.

  8. Ian! What a great thought, Buddhist thought for the day! I once heard that the Beeb was short of Buddhist on that morning slot on Radio 4. What fun that would be…. As always Ian ’tis wonderful to know you are the other side of the screen.

  9. Thanks Gay. You are an example of somebody who just jumped, in swam about and have stayed. I am so very glad that you are deriving something from the archives too. Sometimes wonder if there is anything constructive that could be done with the archives. A lot of writing has accumulated over the years.

  10. Funny as I was on retreat and reading through past postings I wondered if you had complied a book. I wasnt sure if folks do that when they have lots of good writings followers could read.

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