
Courage is
being scared to death,
but saddling up anyway.

~John Wayne

Hat tip to Willow Tree Counselling for the above quote. There is a wealth of well written articles on this site the most recent one Counselling Ruptures: Crisis or Opportunity? could well be applied to any relationship which has been ‘ruptured’. Wonderful stuff.

Yes, maintaining a relationship invariably involves perseverance especially when things slip sideways. However there’s two chaps in China who are getting a lot of attention who seem to have things worked out pretty well. One is blind and the other has no arms. Together they have planted 10,000 trees! Now THAT is perseverance.

Thanks to Michael in Canada for the link to the tree planters. Now I am practicing perseverance with my web hosting company. Or perhaps it is that they are persevering with my requests to fix a problem I’m currently having!

2 thoughts on “Perseverance”

  1. Enjoyed link to article about the tree planting friends, but take offense at the article’s author labeling a 53-year-old as “elderly”!! Lol! Come on, I just read last week that “60 is the new 40”! So that puts me in my early 30’s….. definitely not elderly! :-)

    1. Quite so. I’m thinking ‘elderly’ might be sometime into ones 80’s. No you are definitely NOT elderly.

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