Platforms and Pavements

Crowds walking, talking and some singing. Carols on Euston Station. Some laughing, pulling luggage, pushing wheelchairs and everywhere the phone.

What stays with me from the last 24 hours being on the road is a small boy in an all bells and whistles wheelchair. His mother so up-beat as she wheeled him onto a bus with two more children in tow. Likely that child will become a man – in a full sized wheelchair. In it for as long as life lasts. And then there was the man in the wheelchair waiting to be assisted onto a train via a ramp. Silently stressed yet still prepared to travel, with assistance.

Mobility, being able to move about freely on foot and on wheels as I have been able to do causes me to ponder. In gratitude. And in sympathy for those who can’t and may never leave their wheels. Some photographs in London. Post written on the train heading north. Uploaded via email from a phone….

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