Bit of a change o’ pace for to-days posting.
The above map should give you an idea of the scale of the Edmonton area and where the Priory is. At the top of the big N of Edmonton is Whyte Avenue the main ‘hanging out’ and local shopping street for University students. I can reach Whyte walking, at a brisk pace, in 15 mins. The Priory bank is there as is Chapters the bookshop chain where I go yet seldom buy. Polly Magoo’s is on Whyte Avenue and long established too, by modern standards. This is a very colorful gift shop with imports from Asia including Buddha statues, the staff are friendly and helpful. Last year towards the end of November Rev. Master Koten of Lions Gate Buddhist Priory in Vancouver came to visit for a couple of weeks. Andrew, a layman from England, was here at the same time and it turned out to be a very memorable time for all of us.
It didn’t take long before Rev. Master Koten and I were out window shopping on Whyte. To cut a long story short we quickly found ourselves hauling back a heavy statue in a snow storm, bought at Polly Magoo’s. At the same visit I spotted a statue of the Healing Buddha which I connect with, loved it in fact. There was some question as to whether it was for sale or not, however eventually over about a week all the staff got on the same page and now it sits as the Buddha on my private altar. The staff were burning incense stick in the hand of the statue. I wince now at the thought. The other day I bought a small piece of Lapis to place in the open hand. Lapis is associated with Bhaisagjyguru by the way.
From time to time I drop into Polly Magoo’s to visit the statues. The staff remember me as ‘being with the monk who painted a statue’ they had sold. They recently moved a few doors down the street and the have completely remodeled inside. They were glad to show off their new ‘Buddha corner’. Well, I couldn’t not take a photo of the mural painted by one of the staff, Kelsey Nowaczynski.. Here it is:
Hopefully there will be a photo of that painted statue mentioned and also one of the Healing Buddha too.
That map looks good Rev. Mugo – better than a whole plate full of chocolate chip cookies. Canadians were always rather more relaxed about bending and fiddling with their county and city boundaries than their neighbours to the south …