In The Pure Land of This Moment

On the first Sunday of each month at Throssel there is generally a large festival ceremony. Today we honoured the Buddha of Healing. Very many people filled the hall, some here for the day, others residents and others just visiting for the week-end retreat.

From the Offertory for The Festival of Bhaisajyaguru Tathagata

Wholeheartedly do we recite these scriptures and make these offerings in honour of Bhaisajyaguru, the Buddha of Healing who sits radiantly in the pure land of this moment.


On the way to the evening meal, the Medicine Meal as we call it, a visiting fellow monastic and I took many pictures of the statue in the lane. As we continued on to the meal we pondered, Isn’t that the Buddha of Healing? I questioned. Yes, I think it is. came the reply. Ah, perfect for to-days posting. I thought.

Many times a day the monks pass this statue going too and fro between buildings. We pause. Turn and bow. Then turn again and walk on about our business. In the evening glow of autumn light the statue does indeed sit radiantly, in the pure land of this moment.

4 thoughts on “In The Pure Land of This Moment”

  1. ‘What is there outside us?
    What is there we lack?
    Nirvana is openly shown to our eyes.
    This earth where we stand is the pure lotus land.
    And this very body, the body of Buddha.’

    Hakuin. Song of Zazen.

  2. Thanks for the quote Andi, and good to see you here at Throssel on Sunday. I counted up that there were probably about five blog readers in the dining room after the ceremony. And non of you knew, except me.

  3. you like the photo. I have just been reminded that the photo was not one I took, and not on my camera. I did crop it ‘artfully’ though.

    Looking through the visiting Reverends photos on his computer I’ve now a crop of suitable pictures for a photo/poem series. Something that’s coming up due to do while I’m away having some renewal/rest time during the next two or three weeks.

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