On Retreat

I’ll not be writing anything for the next week however I will be back with something to say on the 14th December.

If you are visiting for the first time, welcome! There is much material in the archive which you might like to browse through. You will find a combination of travelogue, Buddhist teaching and reflections on daily life as lived by a Buddhist priest.

To help you navigate through the archives here’s roughly where I have been since starting to write this blog.

April through June 10th 2005 – Traveling in East Asia.
June through mid September 2005 – In England.
Mid September through June 2006 – Prior of Edmonton Buddhist Priory, Canada.
June to mid September 2006 – Traveling in Canada and California.
Mid September onwards – Resident at the monastery in Northern England.

Thank you to all those who so faithfully come and visit here.

4 thoughts on “On Retreat”

  1. Thanks to you Tim, I’d love to have you paint some word pictures of your daily life. I know your blog was set up for something spacific, that could change could it not?

    Our monastic retreat is nearly over, just four more meditation periods now. For the last seven days the universe has been hurling weather at Northumberland, fast and furious as happens here as I’m sure you know. Rather like sailing in the North Sea I’d imagine.

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