
Coming around a corner this fledgling Pinyon Pine caught my attention
and then, zooming in, this fungus.

This morning as I was taking an early walk I realized my brain is adjusting to the sharp California light and with that I’ve a renewed and deeper sight. The subtle shades of green for example are quite unlike anything I have encountered before. I super saturated these two images and rather liked the result. No, the shadows are not this beautiful blue!

Tomorrow we will be traveling on California State Highway 33, a twisting and turning road over the mountains to the coast, loved by bikers. Much like Hartside Crossing in the UK. Perhaps there will be some photographs of marine mammals in the next post. California 33 is also know as the Petroleum Highway. I’ll have to post the video, taken near Maricopa when I was passing through the oil fields earlier this month.

Thanks for the small rash of comments. And thanks for the e-mail R. I’m doing my best to get back to regular posting because I know there are those of you who log in each day in hope of something new to look at.

2 thoughts on “Saturation”

  1. I remember taking the pad from my eye the morning after a cataract operation and being stunned at how “blue” blue was. I still need the other eye doing, and my brain now merges the colours from each eye, but what a difference a plastic lens makes! Now if my digital camera would see “red” as I see it, especially the red leaves of autumn …
    Those skilled in the art tell me to play with the colour balance and take it off “auto”.
    I think you understand these things!
    Back to London then York on Friday for the wedding of an old friend. Thanks for your posts.
    Best wishes
    In gassho

  2. Having subscribed to your RSS I no longer have to check your blog each day.
    I just have to remember to start my RSS reader every day.
    So it’s always a nice surprise to see that you have posted something.

    However, every now and then I get a Web Feed of the form
    “Links for 2010-08-09 []”
    which doesn’t seem to be at all related to your blog entry. So do you know if others get this and why?

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