Ewes on a hill, with young lambs.
It is always such a joy to see the new lambs in the fields with their mothers doing their best to keep track of where theirs are. As you can see the ewes and lambs are numbered so at least the farmer knows who’s who’s! It has been know that mothers leave hospital with a baby which isn’t there’s! By mistake. There must be a ‘tagging’ system by now, hopefully.
While out walking this morning, a bit early than usual to catch the early light I recorded a video of the land and river with birds singing and lambs barrring.
Here in Britain it is Mothering Sunday and it is also the birth date of two friends.
This post is in gratitude for mothers everywhere.
My daily drive to work (in agribusiness)consists of 30 minutes in the countryside with grapes, almonds, corn and all sorts of crops which are amazing to observe as they grow. But my favorite moments are when the herds of sheep are put out to graze and the lambs are born. I have stopped many times to just watch them play or take pictures.It is so wonderful to immerse oneself in such joy.
You know Gay I’d never thought there would be sheep in the valley where you live, but I am wrong obviously. I stop and gaze at the lambs every morning when I am out walking.