So, another day draws to a close full of activity, notably celebrating my cousins 80th birthday with him and his family. And, since I’ve been staying close by, I once again have had the opportunity to view the art installation at Crosby beach near Liverpool titled Another Place. But that’s not my main thought tonight. My thought is about language, and my use of it. In particular the use of ‘So’ at the start of a sentence. I have also noticed a growing habit of mine of starting sentences with ‘and’ which everybody knows is simply not on. But I’m apparently wrong. Starting a sentence with but? Not on either.
Anyway back to the use of ‘so’ . Consider this from John Humphrys, our very own presenter for the ‘Today’ program on BBC Radio 4.
He blamed the rise of ‘so’ on bumbling academics who use it ‘perhaps to buy a bit of time when they’re not quite sure how to answer the question’. However, he lamented that: ‘Now the misplaced “so” has invaded everyday speech like some noxious weed in an untended garden’.
At the very least paying attention to what comes out of ones mouth, considering what is broadcast, refraining from words better not spoken, is a good practice.
So … blustery is a great word too. Yesterday it was very blustery here in Monfragüe, so much so that the griffin vultures decided to stay a while on their rocky homes.
I, too, have been trying to take care with my language lately. Not the words I use or my garammar but the tone of my voice. I can show anger without uttering one angry word. I can slip into my regional accent with devestating effect.
Right Speech is on my mind right now. Or should I say on the tip of my tongue.
Good for you Cliff. The post was somewhat inspired by a word that escaped my lips when it would have been better it hadn’t. Sorry, sorry.