Speak Of Trees – That Subtle Something

Trees under Mount Shasta

It is not so much for its beauty that the forest makes a claim upon
our hearts, as for that subtle something, that quality of air that
emanates from old trees, that so wonderfully changes and renews
a weary spirit.
– Robert Louis Stevenson

Here starts Tree Fortnight – two weeks of pictures with poems and quotes about our trusty friend, the tree.

2 thoughts on “Speak Of Trees – That Subtle Something”

  1. During heavy rain recently a couple of old trees came down, revealing that they were decayed and hollow inside, yet they flowered continuously for the year I had walked past them. A screeching parrot announced my walk most days – now he must find another home. Look forward to the tree posts.
    It’s the Chinese mid-autumn festival here, moon-cakes and lanterns.
    In gassho

  2. Here at Shasta there were trees down from the January storm that revealed there hollow core. Something quite striking about that….

    Love those moon-cakes by the way. Eat lots. Great to hear from you. All is well.

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