Strong Glue

So many kind comments to my last post and I’m not able to acknowledge each one. So, just to say a big THANK YOU for taking the time to write. I have learnt so much, of necessity about sitting with, living with acute pain. I know there are those who live with chronic pain. Long-lasting, all day and night chronic pain. Bows to you.

Not to mention chronic illness with no end in sight or a cure so testing that many decide ‘I think not. No thanks’. And then there are those who dive in, go from one appointment to another suffering indignities along the way few of us can imagine. Bows to you – no value judgement here.

So, I’ve nothing to feel sorry for myself about. Really. With just a week or so gone by in pain; yes some self-pity, yes some silent tears, yes much broken sleep. SO MUCH help and support and now (thanks to a chiropractor today) I’m heading out of acute to….perhaps chronic pain for a short while. Nothing to complain about. So fortunate.

Now to Andrew Marr, who is quoted as saying;

In his eloquent testimony about life after his stroke, he is never moved to tears and certainly not by the medical situation he has found himself in since he collapsed after overdoing it on a rowing machine in 2013. Self-pity, he says, is the most nauseating sort of emotion.

Some time ago I watched the documentary Andrew Marr. My Brain and Me and his comment about self-pity got my attention. Strong words. Obviously expressing self-pity does NOT lead to being a ‘nauseating person’.

Slapping labels on ourselves
or on others….?
Often labels have strong glue
and don’t soak off in the bath!

4 thoughts on “Strong Glue”

  1. Thank you for this offering, Rev. Mugo. I’m slapping a few labels on myself, at the moment – or should I say, I move towards doing so, catch myself and stop. But the impetus is there – not pleasant to feel but interesting to ‘be with’ and study. I’m so pleased that you are beginning to heal. Bows to you.

    1. Yes, I am healing. At least the trapped nerve in my arm is easing during the day. Night-time is quite another matter! You have had your fair share of this kind of thing I know. Glad the label reference was clear enough to understand. You did which is great.

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