Take Shape – Baby Buddha

So quickly a fold crease forms. Soon to take shape around a baby Buddha

As with fabric and clothes so too with our bodies. Creases form over time! In addition how we habitually fold ourselves, and unfold, conditions how our form moves. I guess this follows on from the Buddha pears…. Unknowingly we cast ourselves in a mold, adopt a shape.

This too is subject to change.

4 thoughts on “Take Shape – Baby Buddha”

  1. Dear Reverend Mugo,
    You have in your wisdom revived a mold already shaped in baby’s history. The pattern, the ribbing, the colour, knitted for his (grand) father – by whom I don’t know – and lovingly worn in his early youth till it nearly fell apart.

  2. Thanks for the confirmation. Somewhere I saw a photo of Iain in such a pullover but that the colour and the pattern are similar is AMAZING. Also, I didn’t choose the pattern or wool. Babies mother did…

  3. so! I keep on getting it out and gazing at it. But on Wednesday it goes to the child…hope it fits.

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