The Golden Wind…

Here is a follow on from yesterday’s post, Gone to Glory. Arnie from Vancouver Island, Canada left a long comment which is a perfect follow on to yesterday’s post. So here is the comment reposted, as a post. Thanks, Arnie you are a gem and I know you write from experience. Vis, The fateful crisis has given their life a decisive turn, a decisive breakthrough to experiencing an altered reality….”

Thank you so much, R.M. Mugo for your beautiful writing about a precious moment at the death of R.M. Jiyu!

I am reminded by my teacher, Willigis Jager and his comment on the Chinese Chan Master Yunmen (Jap. Ummon) using the metaphor of the Golden Wind):

” A monk asked Zen Master Unmon, “What if the tree will wither, and the leaves fall?” The Master replied, “Perfect manifestation of the Golden Wind!”

The Golden Wind means the winds of Autumn, but here it means much more. Two older monks sitting together ask each other, “What is the nature of reality now, when we are getting old?” The answer? Reality is “a manifestation of the Golden Wind”.

ZEN Master Unmon supplemented this statement with, “Even though I am old, sick, infirm and suffering, every day is a good day.”

Willigis Jager: Nothing manifests in our lives for which this timeless original wisdom does not hold true. This is often not easy to accept, but again and again, people confess that they have experienced what they had considered to be disasters in their lives, and again and again they are now grateful for what happened to them. The fateful crisis has given their life a decisive turn, a decisive breakthrough to experiencing an altered reality….”

And here is a ‘little something’, left as a comment originally:

West wind rising
Yellow leaf
On the brink

Mike Adams

2 thoughts on “The Golden Wind…”

  1. I also know first hand how a disaster can cause really good changes to happen. At the time we don’t see the possibilities but later can see how the shift has caused or made room for some good changes. Not to mention the increase in understanding and ability to empathise with others who go through disasters also.

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