The Household Cavalry Goes for a Swim!

I’m so pleased to hear that the horses we see working so hard at being still and disciplined during, for example the Trooping The Colour, get to let their hair down just a little bit during the three weeks they are stabled in Norfolk. We all need to take the opportunity to go for a swim, enjoy the sunshine and generally relax. I’m managing some of that in deepest Northumberland as I gather myself to fly to Vancouver Canada on the 19th July.

The Household Cavalry, the oldest regiment, come to Norfolk each summer for three weeks for their “holiday” and to do particular manoeuvres otherwise unavailable to them; part of that is coming to Holkham beach and swimming in the sea.  We’ve always wanted to go but never found out when they’re there.  Success this year!

It was wonderful to see them! The horses have a great time, particularly those who dismount their riders and gallop about freely on the sands or dump their riders in the sea!(as you will see on one of the photographs.)

Many thanks to my colleague in Norfolk for the photographs and message above.

This post is for a friend who broke her leg and as a consequence is facing a disappointment. My thoughts. Enjoy the sight of these beautiful horses as they enjoy themselves in the sea.

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