A Timely Global Mosaic

If I were going around the world right now I’d go West, to New York. Because? At the Museum of Modern Art there is a fabulous exhibition of photographs by Cartier-Bresson. Hero of all aspiring documentary photographers. I was once one of those.

But all is not lost. There is a chance for everyone and anybody, aspiring or no, to submit photographs taken on May 2nd. The New York Times on line project called Lens is sponsoring this global (modern word that) effort. To produce a record of whats happening where you are, around the world. So……

Where will you be on Sunday, May 2, at 15:00 hours (U.T.C.) ?

Wherever you are, we hope you’ll have a camera — or a camera phone — in hand. And we hope you’ll be taking a picture to send to Lens that will capture this singular instant in whatever way you think would add to a marvelous global mosaic; a Web-built image of one moment in time across the world.

We extend the invitation to everyone, everywhere. Amateurs. Students. Pros. People who’ve been photographing for a lifetime or who just started yesterday.

A Timely Global Mosaic From Lens a New York Times blog. Many great pictures can be found there.

I’ve a camera with me and there are pictures waiting to be captured. But, my new high capacity memory card cannot be seen by my old (five year old) laptop. A solution will be found. Soon. Just have to take photographs of yellow spring flowers. Soon, soon.

Thanks to Jack for the link.

3 thoughts on “A Timely Global Mosaic”

  1. Thanks for the link (Jack too).
    Sometimes a recalcitrant card will be recognised if inserted with the laptop off and then switch-on.
    Good luck

  2. The first thing that struck me when I read about this was that although it might be 11a.m. in New York and 3p.m. in London for many people in the world (China, Japan and the whole of South East Asia) it is the middle of the night.

    Looking at the New York Times site many others have raised this point too. Just a tiny example of how easy it is to discriminate without even knowing it.

    A pity because just a little bit of thought and a small change in the rules (11:00 a.m.where you live?) might have made this a good event.

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