TripleGem – The Buddhist Think Tank

TripleGem, the site for Buddhist news and ideas has now launched in the UK at the end of 2007. Featuring a news blog, forums, image gallery, event calendar, and analysis, we will gradually build a lively resource of contemporary Buddhist perspectives. TripleGem is a cooperative not-for-profit enterprise run by Buddhists from a range of traditions.”

So there we have it, a new blog based in Britain, for Buddhists. This does seem to be a developing site where news etc. relevent to Buddhists, British or otherwise, can be found.

Already I’m amazed one volunteers to be a speaker on Thought for the Day on the BBC Radio 4 Today programme. For those not familiar with the institution of Thought for the Day, a religious leader speaks for a couple of minutes usually making comment on current issues from a spiritual/religious perspective. I must admit it is some time since I listened to the Today programme so my perspective on the Thought part might be outdated.

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