4 thoughts on “Unique In Relationship”

  1. Thanks for photographs. When reading the previous post I thought how I was hoping for some lovely photos and what did I find today? Wonderful images! Thanks so much.

  2. I’m fascinated by the purple grass, and being me, wonder why it’s that colour! Hopefully it was nice to be blown about a bit on the moors! “Fresh” as we euphemistically say.

  3. Oh my goodness! The painter in me wants to paint these images, just because of the colors! The first photo and the set of green against purple in the last one are quite interesting – two secondary colors ‘playing’ with each other. This is the joy of being an artist; I get ‘hit’ quite literally with color and it touches me internally creating an impulse to hold and place that image in eternity somehow. Not clinging too tightly and keeping things a little on the lighter side is how to tackle a painting. This works both with holding the brush as well as letting the intuitive/emotional aspect of painting flow outward into a finished piece. Interestingly enough, this metaphor works in ordinary life (most of the time) as well.

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