Video Of Sojiji In The Late 1950’s

Miles who is a regular blog reader and congregation member was here on Sunday for the Festival Ceremony. He reminded me of a comment he’d left in January with links to a three part series of short films. Here is his comment and links to the films.

Hope you are well and are having a good winter retreat.
I stumbled upon these films whilst browsing the net – a short but rather beautifully filmed three part documentary on Sojiji in 1959, just a few years before Rev. Master Jiyu arrived there.

There’s an unusual and probably very much of-its-day shot of all the novice monks sitting around smoking together – and some very impressive ceremonial.

Great stuff!

In gassho,


Sojiji Part One, Part Two and Part Three

Thanks Miles for the links. And thank you to what ever good fortune and good luck and hard work and patience that has me connected to the internet at Throssel at a brisk 54.0 Mbps.

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3 thoughts on “Video Of Sojiji In The Late 1950’s”

  1. They are indeed remarkable films. A lot of others pop up on You Tube which look interesting as well. Thanks for drawing my attention to them.

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