Wesak Altar in England

A fellow monk sent me these two pictures of the altar she and her disciple and the local congregation set up to celebrate Wesak. What a sense of abundance they convey.

And on Saturday we go over the river to the North Side. There all the Buddhists in Edmonton will be coming together at Truc Lam Monastery to celebrate Wesak. It should be quite an event. Then on Sunday a visiting female monk of our Order and I will drive west to Valemount in the Rockies for some mountain air. Posting may become erratic from here on in for a week or so.

2 thoughts on “Wesak Altar in England”

  1. Such a lovely alter, radiant and alive.
    today this will be the alter of my computer screen.

  2. I am so glad you can ‘see’ what I see.

    The guiding hand that put the alter together has been my inspiration since early novice days.

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