100 Subscribers

Dear Subscribers,
I just added a photograph to my last post just so you know. Some might say 100 is a small number of followers/subscribers after having been going at it for over ten years. And sometimes I think that too. However now thinking about it I tend not to shout so using a regular voice, as I intend to do, means I tend towards not making a whole lot of noise in this Internet That’s fine by me.

And I have been thinking of doing a newsletter for subscribers. More photographs, more details about walking and getting out and about. A ‘thought for the day’ kind of piece – on video. One thing at a time though.


16 thoughts on “100 Subscribers”

  1. Hi,

    Thought: a thought for the week may be better than a thought of the day. Please think on this. A weekly newspaper column is easier to write than a daily one. I come from that dying print world and know that daily columnists were hard pressed to come up with fresh ideas every day; not so with the weekly writers. Cheers, Gerry

    1. You may know this already. We have a feature on British radio called Thought for The Day as part of The Today program on Radio 4. It’s been on air for years. Not the same person speaks each day. Usually the piece references something current with a bit of religion/phyolosophy woven on. I would certainly not write something each day. Thought for the week might be pushing it.

  2. Dear Mugo,
    100 is a lovely number. Not too little, not too much.
    A pine tree and a double enso. 100.

  3. 100 seems a lot Mugo. 100 people “really” listening means, especially in this age your actually meandering into the lives of 5,000 to 10,000. That seems enough. Of course if you touch 5,000 or 10 or 5 or 2 never forget, the overused and perhaps underused analogy of the butterfly effect. Numbers are irrelevant. I drive trucks for a living and do occasional festival security work. Trying to live in the moment has made me happier. Reconnecting with Buddhism in my early 50s now it strikes me how much ego and rubbish is spouted on social media blogs etc by “Buddhists” . Stay real Mugo. Numbers are irrelevant. Your posts help me a lot and have been shared a few times. Jim

      1. And I have to say I respect truck drivers hugely. Making way for you good people to pull out into traffic, pull out to pass on moterways and generally have a thought for the professionals on the road. Glad you refound Buddhism. Glad you read here.

  4. Hi Rev. Mugo;
    I look at your blog if not every day, a minimum of several times a week. (Unless I am in a lovely wee trailer wandering around the country. ) And yet, I realize, I haven’t subscribed. Maybe I am 101? (Not likely, I bet your post prompts others like me.)
    Connection. Your blog is one of the myriad ways I am reminded of connection when I might otherwise fall prey to the little voices in my head that whisper separateness. May your blog carry on as long as its good!

    1. AW, thanks Michele. I wrote a comment on yours today but had forgotten my login PW for WordPress account. Anyway, always so please to see your posts and pictures. And to see your lovely sweater on the banner. Yes, the internet/blogs are a great way to be in contact with those friends far away. I’ll be keeping going and keeping real. I think that means….speaking from the heart, with head involved too of course.

  5. Several folk in Cirencester meditation group read your blog – we all like it very much indeed. An oasis of stillness. And some wonderful photographs. Thankyou Rev. Mugo.

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