Dog(s) Of The Blog?

Running neck and neck are Kipling (AKA Pumpkin) and Dottie (snappy dresser). But Trog will take a lot to beat I’d say. Uh! and I forgot about Jazzy in Edmonton.

I do hope Jade has not entered the silly season. Newspapers in Britain, at one time years ago, would lead with photographs of people in deck chairs on Brighten beach with headlines like Phew! What a Scorcher!. It was called the silly season and generally lasted as long as Parliament was on holiday. Jade can have silly season any time of the year.

Anyway, it is great to see Dottie in her new coat made by Adrienne – who couldn’t resist the fashion moment.



Daughter asked me to dog sit today as she was working late. I took the opportunity to use this gorgeous creature as a model for that dog coat I just had to make. She is six months old and, as she is named, completely Dottie!


The noise I heard coming from inside the chimney flu was almost immediate. A quick and panicked scratching. There was something in there. And it was alive.

I wondered how I could put the fire out, but the newspaper was burning fast, already catching the kindling. It must have been the fastest burning fire I’ve ever built. I suppose my father taught me well.

Then suddenly, there it was. A starling had popped down from the chimney into the firebox, and it was pecking against the glass. It was jumping and twisting, trying to get out, trying to avoid the quickly growing flames.

Instinctively, I reached for the door handle. I had to let it out.

But then I saw that its wing was already on fire. I thought of a burning bird inside the house, catching the drapes and rugs on fire.

Should I let it out? What would happen if I did?

From Moon Over Martinborough, posting Saturday Morning Fire.

The post, extracted above, is not an easy read. However I think it is good to read about/encounter difficult and disturbing truths. A bird burning up before ones eyes, and keeping those eyes open to witness, reminds me of something that happened a good few years ago. It was not about burning fire, it was the FIRE! of a gun.

Cattle that have tested positive for TB are shot. I was just feet away from one of these shooting events. Just a thin wall divided me from the cattle outside who were due to be shot. I could hear them, almost smell them. To run or to stay? I stayed. As it happened I was on the telephone to Adrienne. We both heard the shots, two of them. One each. BANG! and then the crash and struggle as the animal went down. CRACK! and again the thrashing around as the second creature finally became lifeless. We, Adrienne and I, were silent for a moment. It was a moment shared and I was glad of the company at the other end of the phone. Later I went outside and burnt some incense.

I’ll not forget that event, as I’m sure the chap who witnessed the bird burning up in his wood stove will not forget. We can love. Open our hearts when we might reflexively close and turn away.

Under The Ground In A Box – Suddenly

I know a dad who went to wake his teenage son only to find him dead in his bed. The son had suffered a fatal asthma attack. There was nothing that could be done. We hear of such events and non can know the anguish save those who have known it too.

The innocent questioning of a small boy about why dead people are buried under the ground in a box had his dad pondering…on his owns sons death. O the anguish! See this posting in Views From the Bike Shed blog for an interesting posting and a poem by John Latham who suffered his sons death from an asthma attack.

Thanks to Julius, once again, for this great link to a great post.

Living In North Norfolk

A brilliant altar set up in memory of Rev. Master Jiyu-Kennett. Rev. Jigen, my Dharma sister, was celebrant for the ceremony during a day retreat in north Norfolk.

Yep! There is a senior monk of our Order living in north Norfolk. We go way back to the early 1980’s at Shasta. As a new monk I’d volunteer to help her set up for ceremonies and clear away afterwards. Generations of monks have apprenticed with her since then. We all know the very first thing you do when setting up for a ceremony is take the altar apart and clean everything thoroughly. Cleaning everything thoroughly is a good start for most things when I think about it.

Please join with me in urging the Reverend to SET UP HER OWN WEBSITE! And if you are in Norfolk and want to learn to meditate I can put you in touch with her.