All posts by Mugo

Video Of a Group Evening – dedicated to Reverend Master Saido

There is a tiny light resting on his chest in the form of a tree. He had this light beside him during a number of long sleepless nights.

I’m singing an offertory which I felt to be suitable on this particular occasion. I’ll post the words and music at some point.

Words do Fail Me….

Dear Jade Readers,
There is no easy or gentle way to let you know the following news. I flew from Germany at short notice on the 2nd March where you all have been travelling along with me. This move has meant I had to cancel travelling and seeing those I’d waited so long to visit. Covid put a crimp in seeing people.

It is with sadness I inform you that Rev. Saido has died. Here below is the message that went out to monastic members of the Order last evening.

This is to let you know that Rev. Saido, a much loved and deeply appreciated and respected member of the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives, and Prior of Telford Buddhist Priory, passed away at 10.20 am on Friday 3rd March 2023.

Reverend Master Saido’s illness of pancreatic cancer progressed swiftly during his last few weeks, and he died after a one-night stay in The Princess Royal Hospital, Telford.

Reverend Kanshin was able to support and meditate with Reverend Master Saido during the night and John Bamford was able to also be at his side in the morning.

Many thanks are offered to all those who helped or sent greetings and thoughts of love, gratitude and support, and in particular Karen Richards and John Bamford and the members of the Telford Priory.

Reverend Master Saido who had made such a generous offering of his life and training for the good of so many, was clearly grateful for all the messages and prayers even though unable to answer each individual as he would have wished.

Further information regarding the vigil, funeral service, cremation and memorial services, will be made available by Reverend Master Mugo and others as soon as arrangements have been made.

With Bows and kind regards to all,

(Composed by Rev. Master Mokugen)

We held a vigil last evening at the Priory which coincided with a ‘group evening’. Rev. Saidō, in a coffin, was on the bowing mat in front of the altar surrounded by lit candles as is the custom. Several people were here in person, and a number of others join via Zoom. This morning, the undertakers came to transport Rev. Saidō to the chapel of rest until we can arrange a date for the Cremation Ceremony, which will be held in Telford. I’ll let you know when that will be as soon as we have arranged it.

I’ll upload a video of the dedication at the start of our evening with Rev. Saidō. Although I say it is a vigil we were actually following the schedule for a regular group evening.

You will see Rev. Master Saidō in his coffin on the bowing seat, before the altar. I will write again in more detail, perhaps tomorrow. Enough to say he had the diagnosis as recently as 15th February.

Walking in the Forest

A few days ago a long walk high up above the valley. Enjoying striding out so much I walked right past the turning to the temple!

A moment of inattention and the consequences can be serious and far-reaching. In this case, not so serious.

Nine Bows For Online Technical Help

It has never been easier to travel, specifically to buy train tickets while on the go, with a smartphone. Until it isn’t! Today I took a break from dealing with technical help to visit a local supermarket. Join me with this visual feast.

‘Thank you for keeping your cool when I was losing mine’, I wrote in gratitude to a dear chap who kept on letting me know he understood my concern, but was not getting me any closer to buying an urgently needed train ticket. I bow to those who have to deal with frustration while trying their best to help people, like me, get out of a technological hole.

Expressing gratitude? But of course.

Truth to Power – In Jest

These figures, Jesters, are dressed in the outfits that are worn in the village I was staying in last week. The statue caught my attention the first time I went out shopping the day after I arrived. Food popping up again! The Spelt bread was good and the prize-winning bakery obviously attractive, from the pavement. But what do these statues point to?

The tradition of Fastnacht. A festival/knees-up which marks the beginning of Lent and is particular to an area of Germany known as the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg. Here a link where you can read all about the goings-on during this carnival to end all carnivals. The costumes and masks are historic, each village having a well-established and unique expression.

The Jester has a special place in the scheme of things. A chance to speak truth to power, in a fun way.

Being a jester involves making fun of authorities, and the chance to speak openly and tell unpleasant truths. Under the mask the jester won’t be recognized and can say what he likes to say. (A fellow club sister of mine used to be a former minister in the government of Baden-Württemberg. She told me how she once visited the carnival in Rottweil, where a masked jester approached her and told her loads of details about life and work in her ministry, so he surely must have been an employee, but she did not recognize him.)
From the above mentioned site.

Now thinking of the discipline involved with Lent in the Christian tradition. Fasting is not outside of our practice in Buddhism. A choice indeed and one I find helpful to interrupt the habit of eating more sugar than is good. I’d say sometimes my sugar eating verges on addictive behaviour. That’s finding it hard to stop at just one biscuit.