COVID-19 Creativity – What is it Good to Do?

Here is something to listen to from Julius Welby. He is a long time trainee within the Throssel and wider sangha as well. In this eleven-minute recording, he addresses the training issues around living with and living with other people living with, the COVID-19 virus. So much brilliant teaching/advice accompanied, in the background, by the sounds of birds and geese!

I’m on a walk from my house, standing by a lake. I just made a quick one-take recording to try out microcasting on-the-hoof. I mention the Three Pure Buddhist Precepts. I think most people are already in sympathy with them, so the talk is not just for Buddhists. I hope it may be of use to someone out there.

Thanks to Julius for this, his first attempt at microcasting, and for all the help and support of me and of this site too.

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