10 thoughts on “Far Too Much Fun!”

  1. I am using an Android application (often called an app for short) it’s called Paper Camera and can be found here: http://fwd4.me/0k9O

    I bought a Smartphone recently using part of a small amount of money I inherited and finding the device to be a real aid in so many ways. Not the least being that I am no longer tied to my laptop all day.

  2. See the comment in answer to Doris’s question for the link to Paper Camera. I am thinking these images would print up nicely on water colour paper and make great cards too.

  3. That reminds me, the David Hockney exhibition opens next week at the Royal Academy, showing some paintings created on an iPad. My efforts with the same application I confess are very different!!

    (click on the word exhibition, it is a link finely crafted by Walter. Thank you. Mugo)

  4. There has been a lot on radio and TV about this exhibition with interview with David Hockney. I like his style, like it a lot. Like his work equally. The fact that he stayed SEVEN YEARS in the same area of Yorkshire and just kept on painting more or less the same scene through the seasons says a lot. Of course it was his country, where his mother lived, ‘Brid’ (Bridlington, Yorkshire).

    I am please to hear you gave the iPad a go, the application. Makes me feel not so…trendy…to be messing around with Android Apps. If Walter has an iPad I feel just fine about the Android.

  5. I really like these. When I go walking, sometimes I take off my glasses as I find they inhibit my peripheral vision. Makes my vision kind of blurry like a watercolour painting – very similiar to the effect of your Android app. :)

  6. that say you can improve your vision by wearing your glasses less. It takes time though. Must be great to see like a watercolour painting. But maybe not.

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