Highland Zen

Beside the River Ness, Inverness

The Highland Zen Group met this evening in a church owned by the National Health Service. Can that be true? The man with the key had a NHS logo on his work shirt and yes, indeed, he had come out of a hospital reception area. So it must have been true. In the photograph, above the top railing, are hospital buildings with the historic church tacked on the end. All nestled in behind trees.

It has been a wonderful few, refreshing, days in Inverness in the heart of the Scottish Highlands. Where everything is Ness. Lock Ness, Ness Islands, the Lock Ness Monster. River Ness. My hosts for these days own a Guest House, a short distance from the river, where I have enjoyed all that such accommodations provide. And more. I’ve particularly enjoyed strolling along with the lady of the house along Ladies Walk! The River Ness is hypnotic, wide and shallow, running fast. With fly fisherman up to their armpits, waters washing around them, still and content. I hear most fisherman return their catch to the waters too.

I see on the Meditation group’s website that, and I quote, hopefully we can persuade Rev. Mugo to give a Dharma talk to the group during the meeting. I did a talk and what a pleasant evening it was too ending with an escorted walk along the river enjoying fairy lights twinkling in the trees.

Thank you to all who came to the group this evening (especially the out-of-towners) and those who have generally supported the visit these past three days. With food and good company aplenty.

One thought on “Highland Zen”

  1. Many thanks to you Rev Mugo for making the long journey up to visit us in Inverness. And special thanks for leading the ceremony for our dear sangha friend Ken who died last week. It was very beautiful to be a part of. I hope your journey back home went well and I look forward to seeing you again soon.
    In gassho

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