Magnified Sand

Sand – magnified x250 times

Thanks go to Angie for sending in this amazing image of sand. We have had sand from the River Ganges, sand on Portobello beach and now sand quarried miles away from open sea.

As I drove away from visiting a friend in this most beautiful of areas hidden away from the bright city lights and tourist traps of Edinburgh and Glasgow the quarry loom before me. I thought to stop and photograph it but couldn’t bring myself to do that. It felt akin to photographing road kill and I’d not do that. There was no blood, just a massive scar in the landscape.

Anyway, I wish the people well who are trying to stop the further encroachment of the sand and gravel mining operations into this island of special beauty in the Scottish Border country. New Lanark and the Falls of Clyde.

On my way out of Scotland after visiting my friend – and her two beautiful native Highland ponies – I drove down through the Moffat Hills. Another hidden treasure in the Borders, sadly in mist and hammered by rain as I passed through.

Scotland is special. The people I met were each special, each in their own very particular ways. Like the sand under the microscope. But then everyone is particular. Unique. Too often the gem like qualities each of us have are hidden from even our own view, let alone understood or appreciated by others.

This post is for a chap in hospital, visited today in Darlington, County Durham. Much merit passes to you dear friend. You are a very particular gem.

5 thoughts on “Magnified Sand”

  1. and there is tar sands…indeed. I’d know all about that having lived so close to the extractions sites in Alberta, Canada.

  2. I enjoyed the beautiful magnified image of sand. I too am disturbed when something I consider beautiful or “natural” is disturbed by industry. And yet, I remind myself that the intrinsic beauty of anything is in its nature and not in its form. When that gravel or sand is used in concrete to build a hospital there is beauty in the act. I don’t “like” it when the sand used on the roads in Edmonton isn’t picked up early in the Spring because part of me finds it ugly – but is it ugly, or is it how I see it that is ugly?

  3. A very nice insight that the intrinsic beauty of something is in it’s nature not in it’s form. One to reflect on………

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