The Merit Of Forgetting

I was reminded last night of my very first entry in Jade Mountains (then Moving Mountains). The title is The Green Mountains Are Forever Walking.

Those resolutions on the turn of the new year are often forgotten quickly and maybe that’s a good thing really. Perhaps they have been lost sight of because their purpose has been fulfilled. Or perhaps those good intentions were seen as unrealistic. Or ones basic will just isn’t up for it, right now. Or conditions changed and the resolution doesn’t fit any more.

What ever the original reasoning, resolutions are of the times they were made. Forgetting the past and walking on into the cloud of unknowing must surely be our constant guide.

A good New Year to you all
My late mothers birthday today
My late teachers birthday today.

Thank you
Jade reader
for sticking with it.

The year has turned
Last year has gone
the memories

4 thoughts on “The Merit Of Forgetting”

  1. Thank you Rob and best wishes to you Canadians out there. Hopefully not too much snow this year for you all. Next to no snow where I have been this winter, although a sprinkle to keep me on my toes as I left Throssel the other morning.

  2. Happy New Year to you. Always a delight to read Jade Mountains. High up with the fresh air. Thank you for this. Namaste Richard

  3. Old friend. Always a delight to hear from you Richard. Let’s meet out in the fresh air – this year. Under the shade of trees.

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