Robust Feet – Walking On

From a  tapestry based on The Decent From the Cross by Rubens 1612.
From a tapestry based on The Decent From the Cross by Rubens 1612.

Just look at these wonderful feet! Strong robust toes, firm lower legs – and minimalist shoes! The tapestry can be seen hanging on the wall of Whitewell St Michael’s, a Chapel of Ease built in the late medieval period in Whitewell in the Forest of Bowland. The tapestry is HUGE and impressive – a labour of love. In the original painting, titled The Decent From the Cross the feet (foot) is in the right hand bottom corner of the painting. A spectacular foot to be sure.

I’ve been appreciating feet these past days while I ‘wear in’ a pair of minimalist/barefoot shoes. It’s taking measures of perseverance to stay-with these new shoes, which I’m committed to doing.

Developing a deep appreciation of the ground beneath ones feet is rather important. In every level it’s important practically and spiritually, of course.

I’d found myself in the Forest of Bowland on Tuesday because I was in search of a high place to sit and contemplate, decompress (and nap) after a six hour, early start, drive north from Exeter. Unfortunately all views towards the West were obscured by cloud
up high in forest of Bowland
so I drove on visiting the chapel in Lower Whitwell, then the hotel for a cuppa and later cutting through the Trough of Bowland pausing briefly to admire the purple heather – and sheep

Sheep up highthen to find the sun shining on the high moors.
Forest of BowlandThis post is for my cousin in America who I met for the first time last June. We ‘tooled’, her expression, around the area I covered last Tuesday even passing by the cafe we had lunch in. Happy memories. Come again and we can explore some more.

3 thoughts on “Robust Feet – Walking On”

  1. Back from a visit to Wales where we met with friends. Andy, a Feldenkrais teacher, was wearing a similar pair of “barefoot” footwear……..He was very persuasive about the benefits. Have been investigating same for myself.

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