Singing in Empty space

It is said
‘hold the space’.
Space without
Yes & No.

Empty and full
Yes & No.

Distinctions dissolve
and yet.
The greatest
gift we offer?
Yes & No.

Unknowingly our conscious attention to nothing specific in the widest possible sphere, the sphere without boundaries, is the greatest gift. Born of patience, compassion, non-judgmentalism, holding back on opinions, allowing and above all, listening. With all the fibres of our being. Sounds good don’t it?

12 thoughts on “Singing in Empty space”

    1. Good to hear from you, Julie. Good to know you are still reading here and that the post touched you. The bird, or possibly birds, certainly caught my attention. As did the blue sky…. Now horizontal snow.

  1. Beautiful, so true and a fruit of practice. Sometimes more transient than other times. And that’s ok.

    Thank you Rev. Mugo.

    1. Thanks, Brian so true. I just said to a fellow monk that if we were all caught up in ‘infinite space’ we would ruin more saucepans than we do already! Mostly one is caught up with the minutiae.

  2. I was struck by
    “conscious attention to nothing specific in the widest possible sphere, the sphere without boundaries”.
    Since reading that it has felt natural to bring it to mind once or twice each day, though not trying to achieve anything in particular. It seems like a kind of opening up, a reset in the midst of the whirl of activity.
    There’s a sense of everything ‘coming in’, everything sort of being…here, totally, instead of ‘out there’ being observed by ‘me’.
    Not something to ponder on, no analysis required, nothing is being gained, it just seems good to bow (inwardly at least) and carry on with the next thing.

    1. Brilliant! I am so glad you ‘got it’ Ross. Glad what I wrote translated into something beneficial for you and your understanding and in your daily-life living. What you describe is the so-called, ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ coming together. As if they were ever separate. The fact that you bring those words to mind during the day simply opens you to that Truth.
      As you say:
      Not something to ponder on, no analysis required, nothing is being gained, it just seems good to bow (inwardly at least) and carry on with the next thing.
      I might just elevate this comment into a post and make comment there, although I think I have just made it here! Lovely to hear from you.

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