So be it, Truly

1Writing desk
This writing desk was asking for some serious TLC and I’ve taken on the task. Bought at the local Charity Shop, it was love at first sight. I’d wanted a writing desk and now I have one. Or has it got me!

This is the before photograph of the desk in its original, scratched and flaking state. You will see the after picture ‘in due course’. This is my ‘intention’ desk. To write more and more often desk. With a coat of paint tender care along with love will be etched into the wood. It’s a hand-writing desk. Somewhere special and specific I can return to sit down and take up an actual pen, with ink. Proper ink. No great novel or even great thoughts, simply a place to land before, put pen to paper and see what comes. Blog posts and thoughts I didn’t even know were there. Who knows.

Now here is a woman who has herself a desk too. She calls it her Intellectual Altar.

So now when I sit down with a cup of tea and either my laptop or notebook, I have a clean, uncluttered space to contemplate: a place where I can spread out my books, papers, or whatever else I’m working on. Just as a Dharma room Buddha is a visual representation of the calm, compassionate focus we’d like to attain, my desk is a tangible reminder of the priorities and practices I’d like to cultivate.

From Horded Ordinaries
Amen to that. So be it, truly.

10 thoughts on “So be it, Truly”

    1. Oh thank you Lorianne for leaving this comment. So glad I stumbled upon your post, perfect timing given my recent purchase. We have a verse in my tradition which goes, All meditations and contemplations are full of treasure and wisdom and because of this we are going to…. (this is the shortened version I just made up) offer our thanks to the Buddha’s and Ancestors. This verse is the weekly ‘closing verse’ when the meditation hall is officially closed during the rest/renewal day. We do of course continue to meditate in the hall while it’s closed. The ceremony marks out a moment of gratitude and recognition of our life in the meditation hall and as a novice I loved it perhaps because it marked out a time we would be resting! So when I close up my desk I’ll remember it is a signal to rest. And the treasure and wisdom? Rest unseen.

  1. Hi,
    A clean, calm and open space upon which to rest your elbows and write what comes from your fingers is, simply, a good thing. I can’t find a better phrase than “a good thing” because, well, it sums it up perfectly. If the desk called to you, you have answered its need for a good new owner, or should I say, companion and friend. Love each other and be sure to use a coaster for your cup of tea — writing desk abuse will not be tolerated! Cheers, Gerry.

    1. Love that the desk is a companion and friend. and I will use a coaster for the odd cup of hot tea. Writing desk abuse, absolutely not. Although, that said, it is not proving an easy ride with the refurbishment process and many a desk-person might imagine I’m abusing this baby. But not, absolutely not.

    1. Hi Betty, What did you paint your desk with? I am using chalk paint which is a bit of a pain to be honest. Always good to see you leave a comment.

    1. Hi Ian, It might have been lovely veneer when first made but now very dinged up. Only paint will do it now. I’m well thanks. Lovely sunny day here in the Southern Lakes. Out walking earlier, photos on blog later, now back to the computer.

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