Your Comments – Your Support

I have spent quite a bit of time this morning answering the back-log of comments. My blog activity gave way to community activity over the holidays and the internet gave way for periods of time too! Now I am back at it on line, although I still have some visiting to do over the next few days.

Sometimes a comment gets lost so I’m answering Pascals here on the front page. Both as a personal response to him and a public one to you all who read this. Be you a regular reader or have just stopped by, have a good year and thank you for your support.

A number of you have left donations using EveryClick (see Donations tab at the top of this page). Here is my chance while talking directly to thank you so much. Your donations put food on the table and a roof over my head. Literally.

Dear Pascal,

Thank you for this comment which was attached to a post from some time ago.

Well, well. I encourage you to keep writing!

Pascal, not the one who wants Surfing pictures…

I am delighted to see you here Pascal. Where you are, land locked in Canada, you have no need of surfing pictures. Yes, there are two Pascals who visit here. You are the FRENCH Pascal. A pleasure to know you.

In this post I am responding to your encouragement to keep writing, and all the other encouragement that comes my way. I will and I am continue to write.

Having a comment left from you and others does have an impact on helping the flow of thinking to have expression here.

3 thoughts on “Your Comments – Your Support”

  1. The Pascal who likes surfing is also French – well, his mother is French anyway…
    Hope you’re enjoying life back up north after your travels. And take care with your snow shoes :-)

    (I’ve changed my name to PA – that’s what people usually call me. That way land-locked Pascal in Canada and me won’t be confused :-))

  2. Thanks PA. Yes life is fine in the north. I will take care with snow shoes/socks. After soaking them in grit and salt, snow and slush the other day – I put them in the washing machine and they came out like new. They will live again to see another day in the snow. Maybe next winter….

  3. Dear Mugo,

    I am just reading your blog again and this post for the first time.
    I had a very British day with the Royal Wedding on the BBC.
    The irony about your comment on being land locked in Canada is that I am currently on an island, in the Arctic, more precisely in Svalbard, Norway for one more week.



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