In Memory of Rosemary Dyke – RIP

It seems fitting to post this short video with the animal cemetery in the foreground on the occasion of remembering Rosemary Dyke. She was devoted to animal welfare having ‘rescued’ and lived with numerous cats and dogs as well as feeding a tribe of ferel cats in Mount Shasta every day. For years.

Rosemary died in Mount Shasta surrounded by her friends yesterday, having had Psunomia several times in the past weeks, possibly months. I could say so much about dear Rosemary; her dedication to practice, doing the Shasta Abbey town trips, running the Dharma Tape program in the late 1990s.

I’m left with the image of her standing just inside of the door of the ceremony hall at Shasta handing out scripture books on Sunday mornings. With great kindness. She was everybody’s friend.

A Merit Request – Struggling for Life

This evening I received a Transfer of Merit request for somebody struggling to remain alive having contracted COVID-19 some weeks ago. They have been on and then off, and on again a ventilator and their organ system is struggling. I’ll not give the name for reasons of privacy. Merit appreciated. This is a doctor on the front line.
The following article is salutary:

On rounds in a 20-bed intensive care unit one recent day, physician Joshua Denson assessed two patients with seizures, many with respiratory failure and others whose kidneys were on a dangerous downhill slide. Days earlier, his rounds had been interrupted as his team tried, and failed, to resuscitate a young woman whose heart had stopped. All shared one thing, says Denson, a pulmonary and critical care physician at the Tulane University School of Medicine. “They are all COVID positive.”

Science Mag – How does Coronavirus Kill?

COVID-19 Creativity – What is it Good to Do?

Here is something to listen to from Julius Welby. He is a long time trainee within the Throssel and wider sangha as well. In this eleven-minute recording, he addresses the training issues around living with and living with other people living with, the COVID-19 virus. So much brilliant teaching/advice accompanied, in the background, by the sounds of birds and geese!

I’m on a walk from my house, standing by a lake. I just made a quick one-take recording to try out microcasting on-the-hoof. I mention the Three Pure Buddhist Precepts. I think most people are already in sympathy with them, so the talk is not just for Buddhists. I hope it may be of use to someone out there.

Thanks to Julius for this, his first attempt at microcasting, and for all the help and support of me and of this site too.

Tribute – Haiku

Here is a tribute by Fred to a friend and sangha member, who died recently.

“Reading Rev Master Daishin’s ‘Loneliness’ article put me in mind of my friend, Stuart Quine, who died of the Coronavirus on the 24th of March. He had a lifelong progressive underlying condition and when he caught the virus passed away within four days. I last visited him on the 1st of March and was struck by the unemotional way he spoke with quiet conviction about having no fear of death.
On a haiku weekend some years ago Stuart presented a potential first-line and invited others to make a verse of it. This came to me a couple of weeks ago…”

towards evening
a blackbird on a chimney pot
sings away the day

In gassho,

COVID-19 Creativity – Protective Mask Making

Here below is Kathleen’s creative work and current experiences of life in lockdown. Another ‘window’ shared via email, this time in North America.

Greetings from the sewing corner at my house in Veneta. I have been experimenting with sewing cloth masks that are both effective (meaning that disposable filters can be inserted) and comfortable to wear. It has proven to be no easy task but you know me… I love a challenge.

So far I have made 7 masks (averaging 2 per day). My sister wants 4, the Cheshire food for Lane County group needs at least 4 for our next distribution day, and I need one. Once I have these done I may be able to get back to my original plan to make masks for the homeless shelter/mission in Eugene.

My dog and I have been good about getting out for a walk around the reservoir every day — rain or shine, and it has been mostly raining up here lately. I think we both prefer going out in the rain when we usually have the entire place to ourselves. I often take a short break from walking and sit on the “merit bench” looking out over the reservoir and the mountains beyond.

My newspaper and reading are being reinforced these days by all of the positive stories about how people are expressing compassion and wisdom to others despite their own circumstances. One I read this morning that brought tears to my eyes was about a group of volunteers who prepare meals to distribute to homebound seniors. That was good to know about but what made it truly magical was that a local nursery/florist — overloaded with flowers and flowering plants it had no way to sell — donated hundreds of them to the group. The group then was able to deliver the flowers to everyone who was receiving meals from them. Isn’t that lovely?

I continue to hope that there may be some positive lasting change that comes out of this pandemic. If there was ever irrefutable evidence that we are all in this together, this is it!
All is well.