Sometimes it’s hard to remember just what happened in the hours since rising from my bed, at 5.30 am this morning. In many ways a momentous day. Here’s how it went, in brief:-
Meditation, walking meditation, meditation, precenting morning service (decide to sing names of ancestors as if I loved each one of them), apron on, speed around the kitchen until lunch with a break for community tea (convoluted conversation but can’t remember what about). Tofu Pot Pie, rice salad, greens, yogurt, and Crabapple Puree (relieved that pie cooked in time, sad I forgot to include Marmite – few noticed)!
Walk on bottom road, sun out, high wind, take in the landscape (remember the moonlit walk a few nights ago). 2.00 pm (realize been up and active for over 8 hours). Rest. Tea. An hour and a half Skype support call (once again amazed at how resilient the human spirit is in the face of early adversity). Missed Medicine Meal, rescue some soup from the kitchen, made some white toast. Eat in my room.
Coming up to 7.00 pm. Catch the start of the announcement of lockdown starting midnight Thursday (all very grave and history-making). (much quipping on-line about the delay in the announcement, originally scheduled for 5.00 pm. ‘They know Strictly Come Dancing starts at 7.10’, right?) (Love British humour.)
Meditation. (moon full, cold on face, wind assaulting trees in the paddock, what a racket!). Shower, put out clean clothes (prep for Founders Day tomorrow). Offer incense for a couple (tonight is their last night in their now sold house. They move to Belgium on Tuesday, to live on a boat. (I am beyond words at what they are doing – respect).
My mind goes big; reflecting on lives and the impact of what’s ahead for humanity (wonder if my routine eye check-up will be canceled, again). Find myself especially grateful for running hot water, (so much to be grateful for.)
Humanity? Must remember to sing each name as if I loved each one. Goodnight Jade readers, time to turn in. Be safe, be well.