RIP Tina Turner

In 2020, Turner said that despite having serious health problems, the last 10 years of her life had embodied her ideal vision of happiness.
”I found happiness because I desire nothing. It’s a happiness I never knew existed. In the past, happiness was, ‘Oh I bought a dress!’ ‘Oh have this car!’ It was all material things. Now I get up in the morning and meditate. Inside, a feeling of wellness where you’re sitting there, just where you want to be. There’s nothing you want.
People think when you’re on stage, that they are your glory days. The lights, the clothes…
They were not my glory days. These, now, are my glory days.”
“True and lasting happiness comes from an unshakeable spirit that can shine, no matter what.”
~ Tina Turner

The above was copied from a Facebook post from Conscious Quotes and pointed out to me by Angie. Blessing and bows.

Yes, I am back on-line, having had some time at Throssel to retreat, rest and reflect before returning to Telford Priory. This morning, I pulled out weed from the small pond at the front of the house before tackling the mountain of emails that have accumulated. Glad to be back and read that inspiring quote from Tina T.

Being willing, to be willing, to let go.

This week, as I come towards fulfilling Rev. Saido’s instructions, laid out in his Will, the following came to mind.

Being willing
to be willing
to let go.

Is about as good
as it can get

Do we know
we have actually
let go?

Closed hands
opened hands
our daily experience.

There will be a Memorial for Rev. Saido on June 3rd at Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey at 11.00. Contact the Guest Department to book in.

In memory of Todd and many others dear to me.

Rev. Master Saido – Waving within the flames

It has been over forty-nine days since Rev. Saidō’s passing, and this is a significant juncture spiritually, marking the end of the period after death known as the Bardo, which is said to be an interim state when the connection of the newly-dead with this ‘world’ fades and their ‘going on’ is more in focus.

It is now time for us to let go, and our ‘going on’ to come into focus too. The flames of the Toro (the fire) represent and are the blazing up in the immaculacy of emptiness, a profound ‘letting go’.

Go on your way, dear Rev. Saidō, we love you. It is time to allow the flames to wave you on your way.

Rev. Saido on the Beach

Waiting for the wave.

One member of the Telford Priory congregation was in Spain on the 18th March and not able to attend the funeral/reception for Rev. Saidō. This is what she did, aided by her husband, to remember him…

The clearing, sorting, recycling and dealing with Rev. Saidō’s business as his executor continues. I anticipate this process taking months rather than weeks. So I remain here at the Telford Priory for the time being.

The Priory continues on with three zoomed meetings and in person, Wednesday and Friday at 8.00 and Sunday mornings at 10.00 am. It is no longer necessary to book a place each time one visits, as was the case during Covid times. Do let us know in advance that you will coming.

New Creatures – It must Be Spring

After an all too brief trip to The North (Throssel) I’m heading back to Telford where I will continue to deal with Rev. Saido’s business and belongings. As well as help keep the Priory active and moving along.
As I keep on saying to myself, ‘one step at a time’, and ‘things will unfold’. There is no predicting the future, though one can have LOTS of ideas about it!
