Pausing by the River South Tyne – greetings video

I reference a country hotel called Lovelady Shield Hotel where the little group of walkers I was with would have tea. As it turned out we went instead to The Nook Cafe, close to several long distance paths, one being Isaac’s Tea Trail. Many thanks to the group and for being treated to the much appreciated tea, cheese scone and butter.

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The Lavatory

“In case of calamities

do not
forget to

An inspiring thought by a sangha member, in The Netherlands. The tile made for them now graces their ‘works’ loo.

A timely reminder for all of us to take time out in that private sanctity, of calming and privacy. The lavatory.

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Facing Backwards – Walking Forwards

If you have a moment – Listen


And if you have a moment some-time-now do listen, and appreciate todays BBC Radio 4 program Something Understood. This mornings beautiful rich Living in the Moment with Rabbi Dr. Harvey Belovski is good for the ‘soul’.

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Rev. Saido Remembered

This presentation was given on July 1st at the Leeds Sangha Day. There was an offering ceremony just before this talk, when those present passed around food and other items in a circle. The celebrant blessed each offering when it returned to the altar.  Later the items were parcelled up and given to the monks who were there. For me, that ceremony is an example of circulating spiritual merit. Such merit is ‘generated’, best one can say, through action. I go into this during the presentation, however there is much more to say on the subject.

Remembering Glenda who wrote an email months ago asking about retaining items given to her and where sentimentality comes in, and do we have a ‘duty’ to keep items given to us. I’d say, if there is a use for them, use them and if they could be used by somebody else, pass on. Charity shops are full of such interesting things. The dilemma is, to keep out of sentimental attachment or pass on. I’d say ‘when the time is right’, pass on. That time might not come for a long time or it could be right now.

We all, no doubt, become sentimentally attached: to people, to things, to places, to memories. Attachment and detachments flow together throughout our whole lives. A quote from Dōgen’s teaching that I can’t find….

I’m finding it hard to let go of the ‘Saidō original’ head torch…..

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RIP Tina Turner

In 2020, Turner said that despite having serious health problems, the last 10 years of her life had embodied her ideal vision of happiness.
”I found happiness because I desire nothing. It’s a happiness I never knew existed. In the past, happiness was, ‘Oh I bought a dress!’ ‘Oh have this car!’ It was all material things. Now I get up in the morning and meditate. Inside, a feeling of wellness where you’re sitting there, just where you want to be. There’s nothing you want.
People think when you’re on stage, that they are your glory days. The lights, the clothes…
They were not my glory days. These, now, are my glory days.”
“True and lasting happiness comes from an unshakeable spirit that can shine, no matter what.”
~ Tina Turner

The above was copied from a Facebook post from Conscious Quotes and pointed out to me by Angie. Blessing and bows.

Yes, I am back on-line, having had some time at Throssel to retreat, rest and reflect before returning to Telford Priory. This morning, I pulled out weed from the small pond at the front of the house before tackling the mountain of emails that have accumulated. Glad to be back and read that inspiring quote from Tina T.

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Practice Within The Order of Buddhist Contemplatives