Remarkable happenings happen when a person is close to death. Not able to see or hear a woman hears and speaks – to her daughter. Then passes on. Amazing. Remarkable the bond between parent and off spring. Remarkable too is the impact of the offering of prayers and spiritual merit. A young man close to death miraculously back to life against all medical odds. Then to make his offering of healing to others, live for a short while. And then die. Over the years very many such events, differing details, come to my ears. Fill my heart.
To all who grieve. For those who continue to grieve. (There’s no time limit.) For those who offer their lives wholeheartedly for the benefit of others while at deaths door (My Luminous Friend). Reflecting now it is clear the distinction between oneself and other selves fades in the face of unconditional love.
There are no limits.